Friday, January 23, 2015

Is America a Sheep or a Goat?

When the Son of Man comes in his glory…all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats…Then the king will say to those at his right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” –Matthew 25:31-36
There is nothing new about poverty. What is new, however, is that we now have the resources to get rid of it. Not too many years ago, Dr. Kirtley Mather, a Harvard geologist, wrote a book entitled Enough and to Spare. He set forth the basic theme that famine is wholly unnecessary in the modern world. Today, therefore, the question on the agenda must read: Why should there be hunger and privation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?
In January 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. took a very rare “sabbatical” at an isolated house in Jamaica far away from telephones and the constant pressures of his life as a very public civil rights leader to write what would become his last book: Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? The excerpt above could have been written yesterday. Professor Mather’s book arguing that mankind had achieved the ability to move beyond famine was published in 1944, yet in 2015, despite seventy more years of unparalleled advances in scientific and technological capability and global resources and wealth, hunger and want are still rampant – most shamefully in the United States with the world’s largest economy. Hear again Dr. King:
There is no deficit in human resources; the deficit is in human will ... The well-off and the secure have too often become indifferent and oblivious to the poverty and deprivation in their midst. The poor in our countries have been shut out of our minds, and driven from the mainstream of our societies, because we have allowed them to become invisible. Ultimately a great nation is a compassionate nation. No individual or nation can be great if it does not have a concern for ‘the least of these.
When Dr. King died in 1968 calling for a Poor People’s Campaign, there were 25.4 million poor Americans, including 11 million poor children. Today there are more than 45.3 million poor Americans, including 14.7 million poor children, living in our boastfully rich nation. The question is why we allow poverty still to exist, especially among our children who are the poorest age group of Americans, and the answer remains the same: the deficit in human will and genuine commitment to a fair playing field for all by a critical mass of leaders and citizens in our morally anemic nation. How can it be that the top one percent of Americans enjoy more of the nation’s wealth than the bottom 90 percent combined and that millions of children are hungry and homeless and poorly educated? If the qualification for individual and national greatness is genuine concern for the "least of these" as those of us who are Christians say we believe, and if nations and our concurrent role as members of nations and not just as individuals are accountable, then too many of our political, corporate, and faith leaders and citizens – all of us who live in America – are failing.

The national holiday celebrating Dr. King’s birthday is over, but I hope we will heed and act on his 1967 declaration —“the time has come for an all-out world war against poverty”—and work to win the first victory right here at home in the biggest economy on earth and end the shame of 14.7 million children being the poorest Americans by ending child poverty now.

Dr. King’s voice guides us if we are willing to hear and act on it and use it as a road map for action no matter the political weather. Reflecting on the direction the struggle for civil rights and social justice should take in Where Do We Go from Here?, he shared a story about the need to commit to difficult struggles for the long haul and described a nine and a half hour flight he had taken from New York to London in an older propeller airplane. On the way home, the crew announced the return flight from London to New York would take twelve and a half hours. When the pilot came out into the cabin, Dr. King asked him why. “‘You must understand about the winds,’ he said. ‘When we leave New York, a strong tail wind is in our favor, but when we return, a strong head wind is against us.’ But he added, ‘Don’t worry. These four engines are capable of battling the winds.’”
Dr. King concluded:
In any social revolution there are times when the tail winds of triumph and fulfillment favor us, and other times when strong head winds of disappointment and setbacks beat against us relentlessly. We must not permit adverse winds to overwhelm us as we journey across life’s mighty Atlantic; we must be sustained by our engines of courage in spite of the winds. This refusal to be stopped, this ‘courage to be,’ this determination to go on ‘in spite of’ is the hallmark of any great movement.
As I ponder the miraculous progress sparked by ordinary citizens and people of grace and courage who risked limb and life to crumble the seemingly impenetrable fortresses of Jim Crow and unjust racial segregation in our land during the Civil Rights Movement, portrayed movingly in the film Selma which I hope every American, especially young people, will see, let it inspire us to put on new shoes of courage and will now to ensure that never again will our children and grandchildren have to fight those same battles as the forces of regression seek to turn our nation’s racial and social progress backwards. African American, Latino, Native American, and Asian American youths need to be taught our history and remember that they can never take anything for granted in America – especially now as racial profiling, intolerance, and poverty resurge over our land.

Some are as blatant as the disproportionate killing of Black males at the hands of law enforcement personnel entrusted to protect life, huge racial disparities in school discipline policies against Black males and children with special needs, unequal educational offerings for poor children of color, and a mass incarceration system fueled by a Cradle to Prison Pipeline™ which feeds 1 in 3 Black and 1 in 6 Latino boys born in 2001 into prison. Incarceration has become the new American apartheid.

Other forms of racism are more subtle, technical, and very polite. Although they may be wrapped up in new euphemisms and better etiquette, as Frederick Douglass warned, it’s still the same old snake. So, inspired by the movie Selma’s timely jogging of our collective memory about where we have come from against all odds, I hope a critical mass of citizens will rev up our engines of courage and will today and persistently and strategically combat the fierce head winds of poverty, racism, and education and economic inequality and greed that threaten to undo the progress of the last 50 years. Let’s stay true to the course Dr. King set for us and take up his last campaign to end poverty in America, beginning with our children, especially those of color, whose minds, bodies and spirits are being formed today. They cannot wait.


  1. I think that there is a clear depiction on what the purpose of this great nation has been fashioned to be and that is to be a lender and not the borrower. I mean realistically when you read and look at all the information that has been taken into account over multiple decades and generations we are not supposed be dealing with things such as poverty stricken homes and homelessness. I cannot even fathom the type of things that the people before my generation had to face. It makes for a great fairytale story but when you live in it, it is so much more real. Understanding the position that Dr. King was taking stating that "there is no deficit in human resources but there is a deficit in human will" explains exactly what the problem is, which is US! People in this country have become so greedy and ignorant of what is happening around them that they have formed a deaf ear to those that really need the help to sustain themselves and survive. The work begins with us changing our frame of mindset in what we do, where we go, and even what we say to people is vital to the development of an urban community to make sure that there is genuine and authentic practices being shared amongst the people that are in need as well.

    This article reminds me of a scholar that I had who lived about 30 minutes away. Being the person that I was I was trying to figure out a way as how I could pick this young man up. When I found out I couldn't pick him up I made a deal with him and told him to come see me about getting bus fair to get home. Now his mother was on crack and his situation was far from great because he had to wear some of the same clothing in the same week that he had previously worn it. I realized that there was a certain type of stereotype that would be put on this young man because he was not an all A type of scholar and because of his economic status, it was just assumed that he would fail. This type of prejudice and stereotypical discrimination is what brings my mind to the conclusion Civil Rights Movement does not need to happen for just African Americans but it needs to happen for all people that have seen, shown, or implored some form of mistrust from the government for whatever reason.

    The time is now to understand the need and provide assistance to our fellow Americans that need help with resources that are living in poverished areas. Let us make sure that we know that they time is NOW as well as attempting to cover each other knowing that the intrinsic part of our Will can possibly reflect our willingness to not help others.

  2. Dr. King was truly a prophet in his speech "Where Do We Go From Here?" in which he extends his point by stating that "the stability of the large world which is ours will involve a revolution of values to accompany the scientific and freedom revolutions engulfing the earth. We must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-centered society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered. A civilization can flounder as readily in the face of moral and spiritual bankruptcy as it can through financial bankruptcy... If we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class and our nation... we must develop a world perspective."

    Some may argue that what Dr. King said is easier said than done, but actually it is rooted in the Freedom School way of starting by making a difference in oneself and being committed to the process of self-improvement and self-actualization in order to understand the universality of the human condition and transgress boundaries. Greed is the main reason why poverty exists in America and in the world, and it is our responsibility to eradicate such evils by challenging ourselves to become more spiritual beings, and to develop more empathy for our fellow human. Too often, those who are most oppressed possess the kindest souls. It is from them that we should always be learning, and they are those who should be valued and respected.

  3. Is America A Sheep or A Goat?:
    According to this article and recent studies America for the past seventy years has been in a place to eradicate poverty financially and technologically. In 1944 studies were published that said we had achieved the ability to eliminate famine yet today over 14.7 million poor children and 30.6 million poor adults live in a country with the wealthiest economy in the world, America! Although the winds of adversity are a discouraging force that seemingly prevail against us we must muster up the strength to press on regardless, we must drudge up the determination rooted in us by our ancestors to fight and continue on ‘in spite of.’ Will we be like the sheep that God separates from the goats in the end because we have done all we could to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, provide drink to the thirsty, care for the sick and welcome the outcast? Or will we be the goat that is cast out of the flock of sheep by the shepherd because we saw and did nothing?

    1. Great highlights Lindsay! The goat mentality in our nation is at an all time high. We constantly turn our heads to the issues of our brothers and sisters. How can we emerge into a nation that is more proactive and becomes active before the problems attack our own homes. As I said in a previous post we are a nation that professes to be founded on Christian principles but we do not look after the interest of all.
