Friday, May 15, 2015

Healing a Child's Broken Heart

It’s always very challenging for a parent when their child has a serious health condition. It’s even more challenging when their child has a serious condition but has no health insurance to cover the needed care and emergencies. Both were true for one Texas mother whose 12-year-old daughter Evelyn was diagnosed with a heart defect. Evelyn often ended up at her school nurse’s office complaining of shortness of breath. When the nurse encouraged her mother to take her in to the doctor, Evelyn’s mother, who bakes cakes for a living, explained that Evelyn was uninsured and she couldn’t afford the specialist fees that ran into the hundreds of dollars per visit. But the nurse had attended a presentation for school district staff on the importance of connecting students to available health coverage and knew she could put Evelyn’s family in touch with an outreach worker from the Children’s Defense Fund-Texas office to help her apply for insurance.
CDF-Texas helped Evelyn’s mother with her application and with the critical follow up after the first application was misfiled. Once those steps were taken the family was rightfully approved and Evelyn was finally able to obtain the health care she desperately needed. Soon after she had open heart surgery to replace a non-functional heart valve. Specialists at the Pediatric Heart Clinic told Evelyn’s family she was very lucky to have had the surgery when she did. Her mother says, “It was not about luck, it was a blessing!” Evelyn’s family says they feel happy and blessed to have had help applying for health coverage when it seemed they had no hope.

Evelyn is one of millions of children whose story now has a happier ending. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Medicaid program, which together with the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has brought the number of uninsured children to an historic low. Medicaid and CHIP provide comprehensive and affordable health coverage to more than 44 million children—that’s 57 percent of all children in America. With the new coverage options offered by the Affordable Care Act, 93 percent of all children now have health coverage.

But we can never stop working to reach children like Evelyn who haven’t yet been connected to coverage. More than 5.2 million children under age 18 were uninsured in 2013. The overwhelming majority live with working parents and are citizens. More than a third live in three states—California, Texas, and Florida. Uninsured children are more likely to be children of color, children ages 13-18, and children who live in rural areas. More than half —3.7 million—are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP but not yet enrolled.

That’s why CDF continues to work, in partnership with AASA, The School Superintendents Association, to encourage school districts to help get all students the health coverage they need to learn and succeed in school. Our goal is to make school-based child health outreach and enrollment a routine and ongoing part of school district operations. The model is built around a basic question districts add to their school registration materials: “Does your child have health insurance?” Parents who answer “no” or “don’t know” are flagged and receive information from school district staff on Medicaid, CHIP, or other health coverage options. But it doesn’t stop there. Parents also can receive application assistance and often are introduced to community partners to help them successfully navigate the enrollment process the way Evelyn’s mother was connected in Texas.

CDF-Texas with its partners pioneered this technique in the Houston Independent School District almost a decade ago and since then CDF and AASA have partnered with districts in California, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi, including small and large, urban, rural, and suburban school systems, serving elementary through high schools with a rainbow of  Black, Latino, Asian, and White students. Superintendents, principals, teachers, school nurses and other staff have gained a clearer understanding of the critical links between children’s health, school attendance, and ability to achieve in school. Many are now leading public education efforts to engage parents and the broader community in events geared to health and wellness. Keeping children healthy is a win for everyone.

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Dr. Kavin Dotson
As Dr. Kavin Dotson, Director of Student Services for the Lynwood Unified School District in California, put it at a recent convening at CDF Haley Farm in Tennessee, “we were unaware of the fact that there were so many students in our district that did not have health insurance.” He now believes that “every school in our country is going to make a 100 percent commitment to ensure that all students are enrolled in some type of health insurance that will meet their health needs.

You too can take action now to spread the word about the importance of health coverage in your own communities with help from the Connecting Kids to Coverage national campaign. Through the end of this month it has print materials and TV and radio ads in English and Spanish that you can customize to reach parents and others assisting children. Children can enroll in CHIP or Medicaid at any time.

How frustrating it is that at the very same time we are celebrating Medicaid’s long and successful history and the recent bipartisan two-year CHIP funding extension and building on successful outreach and enrollment strategies, these critical child health programs are under attack in Congress. The fiscal year 2016 budget resolution proposes deep cuts in Medicaid and structural changes in both Medicaid and CHIP that will jeopardize their reach and make it even more difficult for many more children like Evelyn to get the coverage and care they desperately need. But there’s still time to demand that Congress stop the cuts and efforts to dismantle the structure of Medicaid and CHIP. Why would they fool around with something that is working so well for parents and children? All of us must work together to move forward not backwards to make sure all children get the health care they need to live and learn and thrive.


  1. I was happy to learn that the family from the post was blessed with health coverage with the support of the Children's Defense Fund- Texas. As mentioned in the post, there are a plethora of people who are uninsured. People refuse to go to the doctor because they are uninsured and they do not want to pay hundreds of dollars to be seen by a doctor. As a people we have to research and ask when we are unsure which direction to take in order to maintain a healthy life for ourselves and our children.

  2. Everybody aren't in a situation to cover everything they need like health insurance. I enjoyed reading this article knowing that CDF Texas reached out and helped this family in need. I think it is important that we as people find a way to make sure that we are covered because nothing is more important than your health.

  3. My favorite part about this article is the role that schools played in helping families. I believe that schools and teachers should serve the whole family, not just the students that are being taught. Parent do not know everything, and I believe that the schools are also responsible for assisting parents by providing them with education and resources just as the Texas Schools in this article have. I am glad that parent involvement is a pillar of Freedom School, as it allows interns to develop a relationship with the families and provides learning opportunities for parents. I believe in teaching the whole child, which means responding not only to their educational needs, but also their physical, social, and emotional needs. I think this program is an excellent step in the correct direction.

  4. I really love when the columns are health related! It somewhat comforts me to know that CDF realizes and acknowledges that there is a serious issue with our country's healthcare system, especially for our children. People never truly realize the importance of health insurance until something happens and they don't happen. Hospital bills and normal healthcare maintenance is already expensive enough for people who do have insurance. Imagine not having it and on top of that being poor. Those people who barely have enough money to eat on a daily basis or pay their bills have to then determine whether or not they have to let their child die or go into further debt to save their life. That's granted they are even provided with healthcare to begin with because hospitals and doctors often treat poor people very unfairly and subtly deny them help. I'm glad to see that strides are being taken to improve this large problem.

  5. I also loved learning that CDF Texas helped this family! Also, the fact that some people don't get the health services they need because they don't have insurance is an injustice. Living in poverty, the expensive hospital and medical bills can be a huge burden despite needing medical services. It is imperative that we, as a society, finds ways to combat this issue. This would require medical professionals and legislators coming together to create a more just system.

  6. “It was not about luck, it was a blessing!” are the words that resonated with me from this article. They stood out to me for a couple of reasons. The first being that it is a blessing to have servants working with our scholars and taking their roles seriously! Secondly it was refreshing to know that I am serving with an organization that is often on the front-lines combating issues such as this. Lastly, it is heartbreaking to think about the many people who were not as blessed to share the same sentiments as Evelyn's mother. I think it is critical to have health care. We must continue to educate our communities on the importance of it. Often I have experienced families ignore correspondence about resources to get them insured because they do not see the direct need in their family. However, not having major health conditions does not mean there is not a need. How can we encourage our families that we work with the take the extra time to fill out paperwork and follow-up on resources such as health care. Also, once they fill out this paper work we need to make sure that our schools and institutions are handling such information properly and not incidentally overlooking families such when Evelyn and her mother first applied.

  7. “It was not about luck, it was a blessing!” are the words that resonated with me from this article. They stood out to me for a couple of reasons. The first being that it is a blessing to have servants working with our scholars and taking their roles seriously! Secondly it was refreshing to know that I am serving with an organization that is often on the front-lines combating issues such as this. Lastly, it is heartbreaking to think about the many people who were not as blessed to share the same sentiments as Evelyn's mother. I think it is critical to have health care. We must continue to educate our communities on the importance of it. Often I have experienced families ignore correspondence about resources to get them insured because they do not see the direct need in their family. However, not having major health conditions does not mean there is not a need. How can we encourage our families that we work with the take the extra time to fill out paperwork and follow-up on resources such as health care. Also, once they fill out this paper work we need to make sure that our schools and institutions are handling such information properly and not incidentally overlooking families such when Evelyn and her mother first applied.
